About Us

Vedanta Vidyasharam

Who We Are?

We are an organization that loves to spread education to every corner of our society that really needs it. It gives us joy, encouragement, and joy to stand by helpless children and dedicate ourselves to their needs. Putting smiles on the faces of children and serving them is much more sacred. We want to stand by poor helpless children everywhere through our work and organization. In the future, we want to increase our capacity to improve the lives of thousands of children, which will enhance their dignity and self-worth.

What Did We Do!
In the natural law, time never stands still. Society moves forward with the change of time, the world moves forward. Reviewing the history of the human race all over the world, it can be seen that the nation or society which has got modern education has reached the level of advanced quality. We know that without modern and valuable education, it is not possible to transform our society into a developed and dynamic society like the neighboring society. After gaining independence in 1947 and partitioning the country, our society in this country has just stumbled on the path of deep darkness. We have felt that not only modern science education but also moral and human values ​​education will be associated with it. Only then can our society, our country be enlightened in the light of overall welfare and progress. Therefore, the change of the society started from within the society without expecting only the benefit of the government. The academy of that day has entered its teens today. He is now six months old. In our opinion, with the unwavering support and cooperation of all, in a very short period of time, the scope and reputation of the academy have gone far beyond the horizons of Bengal.

Our Mision

We believe that the real purpose of school is for children and youth for a fulfilling future. So that they do not fall behind for high-level skills and make them self-reliant. Our children will grow up in a world that values ​​high-level skills. Our endeavor and goal are to awaken in the minds of the children critical thinking, creativity, courage, cooperation, ability to take advantage of resources.

Our Vision

Vedanta Vidyasharam’s vision is to send every child to school, to run their education and personal development. Also to develop their social skills to improve their life. We work diligently to improve the feckless children’s life better and bring them to the flow of normal life.

Our Goal

Every child has unique interests, talents, and possibilities. In our dynamic, innovation-driven world, children need to create their own characteristics. But in most schools, these features have disappeared. Machine intelligence is advancing, completely changing the skills needed to fulfill careers and responsible citizenship. We are moving forward with this goal, and your help is most desirable to us.